Tuesday, March 27, 2012

AT&T Phone Ads

This is a AT&T magazine ad in Rolling Stones. You can tell that the one phone has music playing on it and the other phone has a game being played on it. I thought it was clever that they showed their phone playing music because Rolling Stones is a music based magazine. Most people who read they magazine will probably be interested in music. AT&T is showing that their phones can play music and games faster. They even give a price for their phone/service. The two phones and the phrase takes up two thirds of the page. There is small detailed text at the bottom of the page. They used about three colors, which is white, blue, and orange (and a touch of green). They also included their logo in the middle right.
I think it's a pretty affective magazine ad for Rolling Stones.

This is a AT&T magazine ad in TIMES. I feel like the ad is a little boring and there is a lot of empty space on the right side. They don't show any specific thing on their phone like in the magazine ad for Rolling Stones. TIMES magazine is based on politicians, pop-culture, and news across the world. AT&T's advertisement says that there network lets your iPhone download 3x faster, which is a good thing for anyone to have. People who are using their phones (like reporters) for email, web, text, and calling would probably have an interests in this ad. So I think this ad does give attention to the people who read the magazine. They stuck with two colors, blue and orange, which is AT&T's logo colors.
I think they could have done more with this ad. 

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