Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Rolling Stones: Phone Ad

I never knew that some magazine ads were so different depending on what type of magazine they are in. I noticed that ads in the magazine Rolling Stones are based on music while ads in TIMES magazines are based on other things.

This is a Verizon phone ad in Rolling Stones. Verizon is advertising their service and their phone. They do it by showing the show The X Factor on the screen of their phone. The X Factor is a music based show where people sing. Since Rolling Stones is based on music, Verizon decided to advertise their phone with a music show on it, so it interests the readers of the magazine more. They used about three different colors in their ad, (not including the people or clothes on the screen) and it's Verizon's logo colors (red, black, and white). They used big text for the main part of their ad, and then they used smaller text for more detailed information. I think it's an affect ad.

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